Hey, y`all. Do y`all support the LGBTQ+ communtiy??

Hey, y`all. Do y`all support the LGBTQ+ communtiy??
Why should we accept the LGBTQ+ community
A long time ago in America, you could say “why should we accept women?” or “why should we accept people of different races?”
The answer is always the same. Because they’re human like anyone else. Because they have emotions and opinions and beliefs like anyone else. Because they’ve been oppressed for being themselves and being the way they were born for way too long. You don’t wanna accept them? That’s fine, just don’t talk to them or about them and we can go our separate ways.

As per why people don't is because they feel it's irritating and disgusting but still I support it even if I'm straight.
ok...i like ur kindness and it jst makes me be a little responsible towards this comment,
but reason it, u said u are a christian, which i am doubting but, as a christian u shld know tht God had made many claims going againt lgbtq but they werent direct, and this is why most ppl miss interprete it and do nonsense and try to defend themselves,
also the modern word like " bad stuff online" has influenced this and giving ppl something to defend whn they are caught in lgbtq acts

buh again...wht do i know😒
<3 Josh
God has made 0 claims about lgbtq to me. God taught me that there is a bit of Him in everyone and we must love and accept everyone. If you read something in the bible just remember you are reading what someone else claimed God had said. You need to pray and listen to God yourself.

This is why I am part of the LGBTQ+ community. This "community" shouldn't even have to exist and everyone should be apart of it by default because we love everyone as God intended us to. Jesus interacted with so many people who were cast out by society. If you want to follow the footsteps of Jesus you will also treat everyone equally.